We went to the local zoo last week for "zoolights". They put lights all over the place and you walk through with your family to see all of the Christmasy fun!We decided to make it even more fun by going to the zoo during the day when the animals were around, then coming back at night time for the lights.As you can imagine, that's a lot of walking and stimulation for little kids.The only way we survived this trip was by bringing our baby carriers! In fact, there are 3 simple reasons that we babywear during holidays.

5 Simple Reasons You Should Babywear During Holidays

5 Simple Reasons You Should Babywear During Holidays

5 Simple Reasons You Should Babywear During Holidays
5 Simple Reasons You Should Babywear During Holidays
5 Simple Reasons You Should Babywear During Holidays
5 Simple Reasons You Should Babywear During Holidays
5 Simple Reasons You Should Babywear During Holidays
3 Simple Reasons That We Babywear During Holidays

I can't believe I didn't hear about babywearing when my older boys were little. I honestly don't know how I survived with two kids under two years without it!We started babywearing pretty much the second that Baby M came home from the hospital.Now between Chris and I, we have six carriers and we use them for all three of the boys.Even Mr. C who's four! There are billions of benefits to babywearing, but I'm not going to get into that here.I'm focusing on the joy that is put back into our holidays with babywearing!

Babywearing Gives Sensory Input

I've mentioned before that A-Man is autistic, and we are now learning that Cap'n M has sensory processing disorder as well.Babywearing has been a huge help in giving them that physical sensory input that they both crave.That being said, A-Man really hated to be restrained when we first tried babywearing with him last year.Now that he is learning more about his own sensory needs, he loves it and knows that when he goes up, he calms right down.A lot of autistic kids or kids with SPD like to be held tightly, and babywearing allows you to do that, but stay hands-free!We were able to go through the zoo relatively easily while giving our kids exactly what they needed.3 Simple Reasons That We Babywear During Holidays

Babywearing Gives a Hiding Place

Holidays can be extremely overwhelming to kids. There are new sights, sounds, smells, and tons of new people all around them.While some kids may thrive on the over-stimulation, many kids struggle.It's really important to give kids a chance to escape from the chaos during the holiday madness, but that isn't always possible with our overfilled schedules.We have a split family, so holidays are separated. The boys are often taken from one family's party to the next with little to no rest.Babywearing helps to give your child a safe place to come and relax and unwind.They can get some snuggles and some quiet. They can even take a nap that an otherwise rushed schedule wouldn't allow!

Babywearing Keeps You Connected

The holiday season is about being together with your family.Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we can get overwhelmed trying to make sure our family does every.little.thing that will make our holiday "perfect".We care so much about making sure we have pictures of our kids with Santa, and that we make sure they go to every holiday activity in our town or church, that we forget to slow down and just enjoy the holidays with our kids.With babywearing, we can stay connected to our kids while experiencing all of the holiday fun.A-Man and Baby M are both petrified of Santa, but with babywearing, it's a bit more tolerable for them.All three of our boys love to go see Christmas lights, and babywearing helps our youngest two to actually be able to see them.From a stroller, it's hard to see anything, especially when there's a bunch of adults surrounding you.We love to babywear because it keeps us in tune with what our kids are doing.We know when they fall asleep, or if they're getting tired. We know if they are excited, or if they aren't enjoying the activity.We can feel how cold or warm they are, so we can respond appropriately.We know if they're getting hungry, and I can breastfeed discreetly without having to find a seat.We are connected to our child in a way that we wouldn't necessarily be able to enjoy otherwise.Overall, babywearing has completely transformed our holidays.We have fewer meltdowns and more peace.It has been such a blessing to be able to enjoy the holidays with our kids and to help our younger kids enjoy the holidays that before have been overwhelming and stressful for them.If you loved this post, you might also enjoy..6 Things You Actually Need When You Have a Baby


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