Be a Super You Random Acts of Kindness for Kids Printable

(Inside: Check out how to "Be a Super You" with this Random Acts of Kindness for Kids Printable! It's a free superhero RAOK printable and it's adorable!)"BAM! POW! KA-BLAM! MOM! I'M BEING A SUPERHERO TO SAVE THE DAY!"As a mom of five, superheroes are a huge hit in this house.But who am I kidding? The adults here are totally into superheroes too. My husband may or may not have a Superman Tattoo... But that's another story!Point is, my kids all want to be various superheroes when they grow up, which is why I made the Superhero bathroom printable wall art. Now, instead of inspiring my kids to wash, brush, and flush, my favorite superheroes are inspiring the kids to "Be a Super You" with Random Acts of Kindness!Be a Super You Free Printable: Random Acts of Kindness for Kids!

Be a Super You Random Acts of Kindness for Kids

This adorable set of superhero random acts of kindness for kids printables is maybe my favorite printable set I've ever made.And that's saying something. I make some pretty cute printables!You can frame these and hang them up in your playroom, or keep them handy in the car, or wherever they'll inspire you and your kids to take a quick second to do a random act of kindness throughout your day.

What Are Random Acts of Kindness for Kids?

So the name might make this a bit obvious, but a random act of kindness is just a small, kind thing you can do for someone else.This isn't things like remembering someone's birthday. That's not random, that's just kind.Random Acts of Kindness are things like helping your mom put away the groceries without being asked, or telling someone a compliment just because.Random acts of kindness give "warm fuzzies" to the people who do them and the people who receive them.During this time of year, especially, we try to work random acts of kindness into our daily routine!

Why Have a Random Acts of Kindness Printable for Kids?

Our kids are wonderful, but sometimes they need a tiny reminder to be kind.What better way than to have a printable with a superhero reminding them to "Be a Super You" filled with practical ways they can be super kind?These Random Acts of Kindness for Kids Printables have tons of ideas that kids are capable of doing without a grown up's help.There are ideas for being kind to your friends, your siblings, your mom or dad, and more!Be a Super You Random Acts of Kindness for Kids: Free Superhero Printables for Kids!

How to Use a Random Acts of Kindness Printable for Kids

Once you download the printables, print them out and put them into frames.Put them up in an area that you'll see them regularly, whether that's your kids' rooms, the playroom, the homeschool room, etc.When your kids say they're bored, point them to their Super You Printable!Try to pick a random act of kindness or two to do every day, and soon it will become a habit!

Be a Super You | Random Acts of Kindness for Kids Printable

This free printable comes with a 3-page PDF file. Each page features superheroes and unique random acts of kindness.One of the pages has two girl super heroes, one has two boys, and one has one boy and one girl.Some of the random acts of kindness include:

  • Tell your mom or dad why they're awesome.
  • Share a toy without fighting.
  • Play the game your brother or sister likes best.

How to get the Be a Super You Random Acts of Kindness for Kids Printable

You can download the Be a Super You Random Acts of Kindness for Kids Printable by entering your information in the box below!Be a Super You Random Acts of Kindness for Kids: Free Superhero Printables for Kids! Once you confirm, you'll get the password to our resource library.From there you can download these printable pages as well as our other fun printables including:

  • What I Wish I Knew When I Got His Autism Diagnosis
  • Apple Sudoku
  • Notes for the Babysitter

And be sure to check out the adorable superhero printable bathroom wall art!Adorable superhero bathroom printable wall art for a superhero-themed bathroom! Totally adorable superhero printables!


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