Blog Traffic and Income Report for February 2016

I will be the first to admit, my blog is still really small. Like, really small! I don't have a huge following (but I do love my loyal readers!) and I don't make much consistent money. While I don't make much monthly, I have been able to pay for our family's Christmas and cover some unexpected expenses with the income I do get. I decided to start sharing my monthly traffic and income reports in January of this year, because I wanted to give newer bloggers something to gauge their numbers on. All of us will be different, but I know that I searched blog traffic and income reports to find a blogger similar in size to me to see how they were making money, and I couldn't find any.Most bloggers start a monthly blog traffic and income report when they're already getting lots of traffic and money. Not going to lie, hopefully in a year or two, I'll be one of those bloggers! But I will be able to link back to these and show that you can start with something. Make $10 on your blog and put it back into your blog. Maybe the next month you'll make $20. This is a slow process, but it's so worth it! Okay, enough chatting. You're here for the good stuff!

Blog Traffic and Income Report February 2016

Most of the blog traffic and income reports out there are from bloggers with huge pageviews and paychecks to match. I'm sharing this for the little blogs!

Blog Traffic

My blog traffic in February dipped a bit from January, which I was expecting. I had a few posts do very well in January, so I wasn't expecting the same for February. However, considering that my goal for the end of 2016 was 10,000 pageviews, I'm still happy with where my numbers ended up.

Blog Traffic:

  • Pageviews: 8844
  • Users: 6318

My Most Popular Posts:

  • Yes, I Say He's Autistic
  • Do Not Support Autism Speaks
  • Best Baby Sleep Hack From a Mom of Four

I am not too popular among other autism mamas. Today I'm sharing why I call my son autistic, and other reasons I'm not the typical autism mom.As a mother of a child with autism, I cannot support autism speaks. In this post I outline a few of the main reasons why you shouldn't support them either.Everyone has advice when you have a baby, and most of it's rubbish. But I'm sharing the best baby sleep hack that's helped all four of my kids sleep!

My Top Referrers

  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Direct

What Worked and What I'm Changing

I totally burned out. I think in January because I was so excited to be getting the higher pageviews, I went all out with my blog promotion strategy. In February, I needed to chill a bit. I spent more time with my husband and kids. I actually watched some TV without my computer in front of me, and I took a whole day off. It was a much needed recharge. What I was so excited about was I still got almost 10,000 pageviews without driving myself crazy to get them! This month I am trying to find a balance. I want to work my blog and help it continue to grow, but I also want to sit down to eat with my family without feeling "guilty". For March I'm going to try and find a balance. Blogging and promoting enough to provide value for my readers, while taking enough time to do other things that keep me sane. (just a sneak peak, we're halfway through March and it's going fairly well!)Most of the blog traffic and income reports out there are from bloggers with huge pageviews and paychecks to match. I'm sharing this for the little blogs!

Blog Income $29.66

Income Sources

  • Adsense Ads: $8.96
  • Media.Net Ads: $4.30
  • Amazon Affiliates: $1.40
  • Sponsored Tweets (Izea): $15

What Worked and What I'm Changing

I am pretty happy with my income for February. Like I said, I didn't put as much effort into the blog as I did in January, but I made more. I am still trying to figure out how to maximize Amazon Affiliates when it isn't the holidays. For March, I have a few sponsored posts planned, so I'm excited to see how that improves my blog income! One thing to keep in mind is that this income is counted as it is earned, not as I receive it. Another thing to consider is that this is only income made directly from the blog. It does not count any earnings from Young Living, Fundanoodle, VA work, or Freelance writing clients. (quick side note, would anyone be interested in me including any of those revenue streams monthly? If you'd like a more comprehensive income report about everywhere I'm making money, let me know!)

Goals for March

In March I hope to find a better balance. Writing and promoting enough to keep my readers satisfied, but also taking time to be with my family and give my other income streams enough attention! I also have a few sponsored posts, so I want to make sure those are as successful as possible. Another goal I have is to continue applying for sponsored posts. Now that my blog traffic is higher, I am starting to be accepted for more sponsored content, which means more income. As always, however, I will only apply for/accept sponsored posts for products that I truly believe in and recommend. I will not put my words behind a brand I don't truly support.So there's my blog traffic and income report. I hope that you found it helpful! Again, I share these so that newer bloggers have a chance to see that you truly can make an income. I'm not making thousands of dollars (yet!) but I make enough to cover my blog expenses, and buy a coffee or two! Just to recap, my goal for the end of the year is for the blog alone to bring in $500 monthly, and I feel like that's an achievable goal. I have 9 more months to get there, so I hope you'll follow along with this journey, even if it isn't as flashy as those income reports with hundreds of thousands of dollars!If you loved this post, you might also enjoy...We are all looking for more pageviews in blogging, so I'm sharing my blog promotion strategy that more than tripled my monthly pageviews in two months!Figuring out how to start a blog can be really intimidating, but I'm holding your hand step-by-step. You can learn how to start a blog in one afternoon! 


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