Blog Traffic and Income Report April 2016

When I first started blogging, I had no idea that you could actually make money blogging. I thought it would be absolutely crazy if 100 people read my blog, and I didn't even know how to make a heading in my post. I've come a long way in the last year and a half, so I decided to start sharing a bit about my journey with your readers. This is my blog traffic and income report for April of 2016.I don't have crazy traffic or make a ton of money (hopefully yet) but I decided to share these reports anyways. I know that some nights I'd read traffic and income reports from bloggers making thousands of dollars with their millions of pageviews and feel like I'd never get there myself. I share these reports so that smaller bloggers can see what's possible!

Blog Traffic and Income Report April 2016

This is the blog traffic and income report for April 2016 for the This Outnumbered Mama blog. This month was bigger than normal, so we're celebrating!

Blog Traffic

The post that went viral at the end of March stayed viral for the first few days of April, so my traffic is higher than normal again this month. I'm really trying to prepare myself for the big crash that I expect will be coming in May.. With that said, here we go!

Blog Traffic

  • Pageviews: 37,144
  • Users: 29,165

My Most Popular Posts

My Top Referrers

  • Facebook
  • Direct
  • Pinterest

What Worked and What I'm Changing

This month the biggest win has been that viral post. A lot of my traffic this month has been residual from the big share of my light it up blue post. I posted the Autism A-Z Series for Autism Acceptance Month which was amazing and helped me to write a lot of content that I otherwise would have left for "someday". Unfortunately, all of that writing left me almost no time to actually share those posts! In May I'm taking a step back from posting so often so that I can make sure that I'm promoting content regularly.This is the blog traffic and income report for April 2016 for the This Outnumbered Mama blog. This month was bigger than normal, so we're celebrating!

Blog Income $165.30

Income Sources

  • Adsense Ads: $42.75
  • Media.Net Ads: $21.56
  • MediaVine Ads: $0.99
  • Sponsored Content (iHomeschool Network): $100

What Worked and What I'm Changing

I was able to get over the threshold for MediaVine ads, thank goodness. I've already made the switch and so far I've been really happy. I switched at the end of April, so I'm excited to see what MediaVine does for my ad revenue in May! I also didn't get my devotional done in April, so I'm once again hoping to finish it up in May. I am also working on a super secret project with a blog-friend in May, that I'm hoping you'll be really excited about.

Goals for May

My main goal for May is to rest a bit after the marathon of the Autism A-Z Series. I'm going to cut back to posting 2-3 times a week, and use the extra time to promote content, update old posts, and work on different behind the scenes projects. I'm hoping to get the devotional up for sale in May, and make some good progress on a few more products. I also want to add a few more free printables to our resource library. Oh, I also want to see where my traffic ends up without a viral post. I know that it will level out, I just want to see what my "new normal" is.So there's my blog traffic and income report for April 2016. While it's been crazy exciting for me, it isn't like I have huge numbers. Without the viral share I would have likely had right around 10-12k pageviews, as has been about normal for me lately. In December 2015 I got over 5k for the first time, so my growth has been quick the last few months. Before then? I blogged for an entire year without getting over 3k. It's a marathon, not a race, so just keep writing great content!


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