Free Printable Cullen's Abc's David and Goliath Preschool Bible Study

Okay, so I'm normally supposed to post tomorrow, but my schedule got kind of funky and I'm too excited to wait! I've posted before about Cullen's Abc's Preschool and how they generously gave me some goodies to giveaway to all of you. Well, friends, we're at it again! I've been trying to think of something fun to share with my lovely subscribers, and I thought it would be great to share one of Cullen's Bible Studies as a free printable that you could try out with your kids!I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I absolutely love the Bible studies from Cullen's Abc's, and I think they're a great addition to any homeschooling curriculum. With these preschool Bible studies, it doesn't matter if you're a Bible newbie [like me!] or an old pro, you'll have everything you need to grow with your preschooler through worship and God's Word.

Preschool Bible Study Free Printable

A free printable Cullen's Abc's David and Goliath Bible study for your preschoolers from This Outnumbered Mama!

David and Goliath

It's no secret around This Outnumbered Mama that I'm a mom of three boys. I don't know if you know this, but boys tend to like stories about fighting the bad guy. Now, before you jump my case, I am a firm believer in play outside of gender stereotypes, but my boys love any good guy vs bad guy situation. Mr. C is obsessed with Spiderman and he hasn't even seen a show or movie about him ever. It's like he inherently knows that he's a good guy super hero. But I digress.. Anyways, David and Goliath is one of the most fun good guy vs bad guy stories in the Bible, and your kids, boys or girls, are sure to love it. It teaches kids what really makes someone the good guy [having God on their side]. It also helps kids to understand that they don't need to be afraid, because God is with us always. After hearing this story Mr. C could tell I was really stressed about A-Man [we were in the process of getting referrals and diagnoses and therapies] and he said to me, "Mommy, if God can help Goliath kill the giant, he can take care of us too".

What's Included?

So this is a free printable Bible study in PDF format that will be sent to you by email if you subscribe to the weekly newsletter. Current subscribers, you don't need to re-subscribe, you will get it in your email this weekend as well. The Growing with God Preschool Bible studies include a schedule for completing the study over 5 days, or all in one day like a Sunday School session. They also have a key verse, overall theme, a memory verse color sheet with suggested questions to ask while coloring, a song, the Bible Story [but you can use your version if you prefer]. review questions, a prayer, an art and craft project, themed snack ideas, some suggested snack prayers, and some really fun extra content!

Okay, You Loved It But Want More?

Easy peasy! Hop on over to Cullen's Abc's and browse. They have tons of weekly Growing with God Preschool Bible Studies available for purchase for $3.99 each. If you're looking for even more preschool activities, check out their really cost-effective Cullen's Abc's Membership program! For $9.95 you get access to the amazing lesson plans that Cullen has put together with videos and activities to help you and your preschooler learn through fun!

So How Do I Get it?

This is super easy. If you already subscribe, it'll be coming your way this weekend. If you aren't already subscribed, just enter your name and email into the box below, and the free printable preschool Bible study will be sent to your email! Easy as pie. In full disclosure, you'll also begin receiving weekly updates about what's going on with the blog because I want to keep in touch! Have you used Cullen's Abc's before? What is your favorite Bible story?


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