Handling Homeschooling Burn Out [tips from the experts!]

Around this time each year is when many homeschoolers start facing homeschooling burn out. You start just "going through the motions" and it seems like the spring weather is just calling to you to give up your lessons for the day. Almost like something's in the water making you and your kiddos lose their focus.I'm still a new homeschooling mama, so I figured this question was best left for the experts!

How do You Handle Homeschooling Burn Out?

Homeschooling burn out comes around this time of year. How do we handle it without throwing in the towel?  I'm asking the experts!"Don't overschedule your day. It's fun to plan out a "perfect" homeschooling day down to the minute, but if you don't leave room for unexpected events you are setting yourself up for stress and failure. Instead, create a basic daily routine that allows some 'wiggle room' for fun moments or emotional meltdowns" - Tonia at The Sunny Patch"Sometimes I "prime the pump" by added something new and tapping into unused resources. Other times, I slow down and relax intentionally." - Stephanie at The Harrington Harmonies"Overall, the concept of "rhythms vs. schedules" has made a world of difference for our family and allowed us to stay flexible through the various seasons of our kids and of our homeschool overall. This concept keeps me from feeling locked into one particular "correct" way of doing things, and keeps me on my knees listening to God about what He wants for us in each season." - Alicia at Vibrant Homeschooling"Take a park day or find a fun field trip to get your mind off the tedium.  Find some way to complete your homeschool differently." - Tricia from Adventures in Mommydom"It's not IF, but WHEN it happens. It happens to the most seasoned veteran. A tiny two letter "NO" helps because it allows you step back, recover and realize that you are just human." - Tina from Tina's Dynamic Homeschool Plus"The biggest thing that has helped me avoid burnout is year-round homeschooling." - Kris from Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers"You know your child better than anyone. You can give him breaks when you see his mind is growing weary. There is nothing wrong with letting a child break for 15 minutes to get some energy out, grab a snack, or sculpt with play dough. Whatever keeps your child motivated and focused, do it." - Michelle from Heart of MichelleAlso, be sure to watch this super helpful iHomeschool Network hangout on homeschooling burn out with even more experts!Plus, if you have more burning homeschooling questions, check out the other posts by some iHomeschool Network bloggers. We're all asking the experts different questions, so your homeschooling question is bound to be there!IHN Experts  

What homeschooling questions would you ask the experts?


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