How I get homeschool books and supplies for FREE!
Who doesn't like free?Something that completely shocked me as I started homeschooling was how expensive the curriculum was!I've had to get pretty crafty about finding some used curriculum and getting the most for my money.Still, though, all the little expenses add up!So how do I get homeschool books and supplies for free?
How I get homeschool books and supplies for free with Swagbucks!
What is Swagbucks!
If you haven't head about Swagbucks yet, I urge you to look it up!The basic premise of Swagbucks is that you earn points, and those points earn you gift cards.Before, the main way to earn points was from using the swagbucks search engine for all of your searches and you would randomly be awarded swagbucks.Now that is still a valid way to build up points, but there is so much more that you can do!
Daily Poll
Every day swagbucks puts out a poll.They ask random questions from "What do you take pictures of most often?" to "What is your favorite Halloween candy?"For every day that you answer this poll you get one point. While that may not seem like much, these add up really quickly!
Watching Videos
So this one probably works best if you are online for a decent amount of each day. Swagbucks has videos on the website in many different categories such as "technology" "fashion" and "entertainment".For every ten videos you watch, you get three swagbucks. Now don't go throwing stones at me just yet! You don't have to watch the whole video!It typically takes 30-40 seconds for swagbucks to register that you are "watching", and then you can click to the next video.I do this as I'm browsing pinterest, reading blogs, or facebooking. Depending on how much time I spend online, I can get anywhere from 15-40 points this way each day!
Not to be confused with the videos above, these are videos that can be watched from the app on your smart phone! This is quite possibly my favorite way to earn swagbucks.I downloaded the free app, and I turn the videos on before I go to sleep. The videos auto-play all night long, and I literally earn points in my sleep!You get two swagbucks for every five videos. Unlike the website, you have to finish these videos! You don't get the points until the video ends. [You can, however fast forward the videos.. ahem]Swagbucks has a limit on how many points you can earn this way, and it's currently capped at 36 points per day.Still, if this was the only thing that you did, you would earn over 1,000 swagbucks a month!
Other Random Points!
There are a few more ways to earn swagbucks here and there that don't get a whole big section because I'm feeling lazy. :)First, we have NOSO's [No Obligation Special Offers] which you can do once a day.These are ads that you can click through that have, you guessed it, no obligation. You don't have to put in your information or credit cards or anything.Simply click "skip" or "see next offer" over and over again until you get to the end, fill out a captcha to prove you aren't a robot, and you're done!Two swagbucks. There is also a section of the website called "encrave" where you get swagbucks for "watching" random videos or "reading" articles.Again, having the page open for 30-40 seconds fulfils the requirement.That gets between 1-2 swagbucks depending on the length of the articles.
How Does This Mean Free Homeschool Curriculum?
Swagbucks transfer in for amazon gift cards! Currently you can get a $5 amazon gift card for 450 swagbucks.So far in one month, I've received 6 gift cards, or $30.I also have Chris signed up, and in the same month, he has received 5, or $25.I don't know about you, but I can find a LOT of homeschool supplies with an extra $55 a month!They have cards besides amazon that average roughly 500 points for $5 including Walmart, Target, and even a Visa Rewards Card!There is also a paypal option, but I believe the smallest value is $25.Whether this helps you to purchase some curriculum, it just bought me our Story of the World curriculum, or some extra art supplies, or even just some books, we bought our Bob Books with this as well, I hope that it helps your family as much as it has helped mine!While I wouldn't say this is a work from home type job by any means, it has helped put some wiggle room in our budget while we're trying to become debt free and plan for a wedding while homeschooling!It's definitely one of the eggs in my 'basket' of income options that I use each month.If you loved this post, you might also enjoy...