I Am Not a Pinterest Mom

Friends, I'm going to get real in this post. A sweet friend of mine posted on facebook recently that when she goes on Pinterest she sees bloggers so upset that they only ran 5 miles that day, or they were having a "lazy day" so their kids only got pancakes for breakfast. For non-pinterest moms, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and feel like you're the only one out there not making Olaf shaped waffles daily, but mama, you're not alone.

I Am Not a Pinterest Mom

I am not a pinterest mom. I don't throw crazy birthday parties or make Olaf shaped waffles, and that's okay! I'm getting real in this post.Sweet mama, I'm here to stand with you. Here's a tiny snapshot into my day, in all of it's Pinterest-Fail glory.My kids had cold cereal this morning, and since we were rushing to Bible study (because of course I was late) I bribed my four year old to get in the car with a pop tart.Roughly 2.4 minutes after we arrived at my good friend's house for Bible study that she graciously hosts, my son dumped an entire bin of toys on the ground. Twice.My kids had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, and I'm currently praising Jesus that my five year old can get him and his brother water because that's one less thing on my plate.Baby M had tiny apple pieces. By "had" I mean "threw all over the floor because he hated them".I scheduled a client meeting for 3 pm - well within my boys' nap time - so that I had time to review my notes after all the munchkins were asleep or playing quietly. And my client called me at 1:15 because she thought I meant 3:00 her time, not PST.So my kids very quickly rushed to bed and I stressed through a client meeting, hoping that she couldn't hear A-Man singing "Do You Want to Build a Snowman". Luckily, she is also a mom and at least pretended not to notice.I told Mr. C we'd start a new novel before bed about two hours before bedtime, and forgot at bedtime. So did he, so we're starting it tomorrow.I'm starting my homeschooling planning to finish up this year and over the weekend I'll be tackling planning my entire homeschooling year.Before you think that makes me organized, I literally had to look all over the house to round up our schoolbooks to see what lesson we're on in what class. Whoops.It's nearly 10 pm and I'm completely worn out, and I just remembered that I didn't send out my newsletter. That, like this post, will have to go out tomorrow because it is getting too close to my bedtime.I have a mile long list of emails and to-dos to handle that got missed today.My fiance did the dishes today (as he does most days) because I just can't find the time.I am not a pinterest mom. I don't throw crazy birthday parties or make Olaf shaped waffles, and that's okay! I'm getting real in this post.Overall it's been a hectic and crazy day. A typical day for a lot of moms, and one that we don't see, hear, or talk about often enough.At my Bible study Thursday we were all having one of "those days" with our kids. Our stories ranged from poopsplosions to epic meltdowns, but we were able to share with each other and know we weren't alone.Sweet mama, this is for you to know, you aren't alone. We're all just doing our best.Today I also had a really great conversation with Mr. C about what he wants from our homeschooling journey, which just melted my heart.Today I got to sing songs with A-Man in the car which helped him handle the stress of a new routine [along with the poptart!}Today I got to nurse Baby M when he could barely keep his eyes open because he played so hard with the other kids at Bible study.Today was a good day, even with it's struggles.Sweet mama, this is a season. A rough season, but it'll be over before we know it. So let's embrace the pop-tart bribing and the homeschool book searching. Together.If you loved this post, you might also enjoy..I was busy, stressed, and counting down the minutes til nap time. Then he asked me.. "Mommy, Will You Dance With Me?"I am THAT Mom with the screaming kids in the grocery store, and I'm writing this to share you what you might now know about


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