Fun and Simple STEAM Activities for Kids

I am not a typical activity mom. I can never think of anything creative to do, and when I can find an idea I never have the supplies I need.Because God has a sense of humor, I have a son who delights in activities.Not just any activities, but STEAM activities.Thankfully, I found a fun and simple way to incorporate STEAM activities into our homeschool for Mr. C without giving me a crazy migraine in the process!

Fun and Simple STEAM Activities for Kids

I am constantly looking for fun STEAM activities for my kids that don't take forever and a ton of random supplies to do. But these are activities that even I can do with my science-loving kiddo!(I received a free Kiwi Crate box to try and review, I was not required to give a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. See my full disclosure for details.)

What is STEAM?

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.A STEAM activity is one activity that incorporates all five of those subjects at once. When you combine these subjects, kids don't just learn how to complete the activity. STEAM activities teach kids to learn how to create.I am constantly looking for fun STEAM activities for my kids that don't take forever and a ton of random supplies to do. But these are activities that even I can do with my science-loving kiddo!They have to problem solve, design, create, try, tweak, and try again.They have a problem in front of them, and they have to use every part of their brain to solve it. That type of learning isn't what we naturally think of when we plan out our activities, but it is really important.

Why are STEAM Activities Important?

Why is it important to provide some STEAM activities for your kiddo? Because by the time your kids enter the workforce, most of the jobs available to them probably haven't been created yet.Think about it. When I was a kid (in the 90s) I don't think my parents could ever have imagined that I'd grow up to be a blogger. I mean, if I could go back in time, how would I even explain to them what I do?"Well, Mom and Dad, I write about my life and cool things that I've learned, and thousands of people read it online".I can only imagine what types of careers will be available when my kids are looking for jobs, and I want them to be prepared.But how do you prepare kids for jobs that don't exist yet?

  • Teach them how to continually learn.
  • Teach them how to problem solve.
  • Teach them how to think outside the box.
  • Teach them how to create.
  • Teach them to try, make mistakes, and try again.

In short, teach them with STEAM activities.I am constantly looking for fun STEAM activities for my kids that don't take forever and a ton of random supplies to do. But these are activities that even I can do with my science-loving kiddo!

A Fun and Simple STEAM Activity for Kids

Mr. C and I worked on a fun and simple STEAM activity this week, meaning fun for him and simple for me, because we all know, I'm no Pinterest Mom and I don't do activities if they're too difficult to set up!We built a pendulum using our Kiwi Crate box, and Mr. C had a blast!I am constantly looking for fun STEAM activities for my kids that don't take forever and a ton of random supplies to do. But these are activities that even I can do with my science-loving kiddo!I loved that he did the project semi-independently, and it was really fun to watch him create something from the pieces that came in the box.He also worked on his fine motor skills which, if you've been around this blog long, you'll know is really important to me.I am constantly looking for fun STEAM activities for my kids that don't take forever and a ton of random supplies to do. But these are activities that even I can do with my science-loving kiddo!We could then use that pendulum to create spiral art! (I'll be doing a live Facebook video about that this weekend, so make sure you like the Facebook page!)

What Comes in a Kiwi Crate?

The Kiwi Crate is a subscription box that comes with a new STEM or STEAM Activity each month around a monthly theme for you and your child to create.I am constantly looking for fun STEAM activities for my kids that don't take forever and a ton of random supplies to do. But these are activities that even I can do with my science-loving kiddo!All pieces that you'll need for the activity and instructions for completing it are in the box. Plus a few bonus activity ideas to use what you create in new and exciting ways!You'll also get a copy of Explore Magazine for your kid to read.

Why We Love Kiwi Crate

I love Kiwi Crate because it's done for me. I don't always have time to search Pinterest for STEAM activities, but when I do, I never have all of the supplies that the activity calls for, and they're always super complicated.I am constantly looking for fun STEAM activities for my kids that don't take forever and a ton of random supplies to do. But these are activities that even I can do with my science-loving kiddo!With Kiwi Crate, I have all of the supplies and instructions at my finger tips. We just unpack the box and let Mr. C get to work!Mr. C loves that he gets to "create something real". He loves to understand the science behind things and he has a great time re-working problems until things work correctly.If you want to try out the Kiwi Crate for your kiddo, you can order one here! They change the themes every month, so there's always something new!If you loved this post, you might also enjoy..The Fundanoodle I Can Pound Kit is a simple independent fine motor activity for autistic preschoolers that develops their hand strength while they have fun!Scissor skills are important to learn in preschool, but it can be hard to support those skills at home. These cutting activities for preschool will help!


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