Making Time For Blogging Education With Kids Around

If you've been blogging for long, you'll know that there is always more to learn. There's eBooks to read, courses to take, and tons and tons and tons of blog posts, with more to read every single day.In an ideal world we'd all have hours every day to simply take in all of this blogging knowledge, and then hours to implement it all, but in reality? Us mom bloggers need to fit in our blogging education between homeschool lessons, changing diapers, and of course, actually blogging!

Making Time for Blogging Education With Kids Around

Making time for blogging education with kids around can be really difficult. These are my best tips as a mom blogger of four young homeschooled kids!

Nap Time

Of course, when moms need to find time to do anything, this is always the first suggestion. Most kids take a nap or at least a "quiet time", typically in the afternoon. This is 95% of the time when I fit in blogging education.The main reason? I cannot write in the afternoon. My brain power goes down to almost zero and I have absolutely no creativity. So my options are completely waste that time scrolling through Facebook, or fit in a bit of blogging education.Obviously, I pick option number two! I use this time to read blog posts, eBooks, watch webinars, or get some course work done.

Bed Time

If your creativity is fried by the end of the day, this could be the best option for you! Write your posts during nap time and then save the evening time for reading through different posts, eBooks, and courses.You can also use this like a reward. "I can only read that blog post once I get my post written". Knowing that you will have this time can also help keep you from getting distracted during the day. Find a fantastic looking blog post? Save it for bedtime!


I recommend this one with caution. This is sometimes the best idea ever, and other times it can end up a waste of time.The key to making multitasking work for fitting in your blogging education is finding the right pair of activities. See, you want a mindless activity, with a mindful activity. If you try to do two things that take brain power, you won't do either of them well. Similarly, if you try to do two things that require mindless action, you'll just waste time going back and forth.Here are a few of my favorite combinations for effectively multitasking with your blogging education

  • Listening to podcasts while working out
  • Watching webinar recordings while nursing the baby
  • Reading blog posts while listening to your child read (I am only listening for fluency, so I can do both)
  • Listening to podcasts while doing admin tasks
  • Watching course videos while brainstorming post ideas
  • Reading blog posts with tv in the background (hubby puts on Netflix shows that I don't have to pay attention to)
  • Listening to podcasts while cleaning the house

There are obviously more than that, but those are some of my favorites. The easiest blogging education forms to multitask with are podcasts and webinar replays (seriously, I almost never catch them live!) because they can be done while you are doing computer work.Making time for blogging education with kids around can be really difficult. These are my best tips as a mom blogger of four young homeschooled kids!

Play Time

I might get some hate for this one, but I definitely work while my kids are awake.I know, I know. There are tons of mom bloggers talking about how they only work while their kids are sleeping or at school, but I'm absolutely not that mom.See, we homeschool. And I have four kids. They're always home. Even when the older two are with their biological dad, I still have two of them home. 24/7.And yes, my kids all have a nap/rest time, but this is my business. I cannot possibly fit everything into just a few hours a day, especially when those few hours are not when I naturally work best.As I'm writing this Miss S is in her playpen practicing standing up. (Guys, she's skipping crawling and going straight to standing up... I can't handle this!) Mr. C and Baby M are talking to Chris about the kid zoo magazine that my best friend got us a subscription to. A-Man is in his room playing with his toys and acting out the scene from Cars where Lightning McQueen destroys Radiator Springs while running from the police officer.My point? I don't have to entertain my children all day long. We do some activities, and of course I teach them during school time. But I am not afraid of telling them to "go play in their room", and while they play I don't feel guilty at all for reading a blog post or sneaking a few chapters of my current eBook in.

Time Blocking

This is something that I'm desperately trying to move towards in my continually evolving work at home mom schedule. The basic premise is that you block out certain time for certain related tasks. Some people do this with hours, but I'm trying to do this with days.For example, I'd spend all my time on Mondays writing posts. Then all day Tuesday would be for Fundanoodle stuff. Then Wednesday I could do all of my social media. Of course, these are just examples because in reality, every day I run in circles until I fall asleep and start again.In my perfect world, however, I would have one full day devoted to blogging education.You might think that sounds counter productive. A whole day to learning instead of working? But I see the value in blogging education, and I know that every day spent learning can lead to increased traffic, productivity, and profits if I do it correctly.

 How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day Job With My Blog How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul How to Work for Yourself: 100 Ways to Make the Time, Energy and Priorities to Start a Business, Book or Blog EPIC BLOG: One-Year Editorial Planner


Making it a Priority

Honestly, this is the best tip I've got for making time for blogging education with kids around.If it's a priority, you'll make the time to do it.Want proof? Do you look for tips about how to fit in time to change diapers? No, because you have to change them, so you just do it. Same with feeding our kids, or filling sippy cups.With these parts of our day we've just accepted that we have to get it done, so we do it. If you do that with blogging education, you'll get it done too.Make it a regular part of your day or week. Decide to read a chapter of your newest eBook instead of scrolling through Facebook. Watch the webinar recording instead of binge-watching shows on Netflix.Seriously, guys, I haven't watched Grey's Anatomy in like a year. It's painful!But if learning more about blogging or your business is important to you, you'll make it a priority. You'll make the time for it. You'll pull up that blog post even if you are interrupted fifteen times. You'll listen to that podcast, and you'll play the webinar replay. You'll fill out the worksheets and finish the course.So, Mama, please know that you're not alone. We're all squeezing our blogging education in the nooks and crannies of our day and fitting them in between dance recitals and soccer practice. That's what makes us mom bloggers so special. You can do it!If you liked this post, you might also enjoy..We are all looking for more pageviews in blogging, so I'm sharing my blog promotion strategy that more than tripled my monthly pageviews in two months!Sifting through the endless blogging advice gets old fast, so I'm sharing the ultimate guide to the best blogging resources available!And to find more ways that busy moms are making time to learn, see all of the posts in the link up by clicking the image below!Making time for blogging education with kids around can be really difficult. These are my best tips as a mom blogger of four young homeschooled kids!


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