Blogging Traffic and Income Report June 2016

"Honey, I'm thinking of starting a blog.""Okay babe, but you're already pretty busy...""I love to write, and I think I can really help people who are going through similar things that I am. Plus, I think if I really work at it, I can start bringing in some money.""Uhhhhh, okay... Do it because you love it, but I don't know that it would actually bring in money""Well. Maybe I'll at least get some of our homeschool curriculum for free eventually. That would be amazing!"That's a conversation that I had with my husband about a year and a half ago. Starting a blog seemed crazy, and getting free homeschool curriculum seemed like a "pie in the sky" dream. Now not only do I get a bunch of curriculum for free, but I get paid to write about it on top of that.I remember reading tons of blogging income reports from people getting thousands of dollars and hundreds of thousands of pageviews. Depending on my mood I'd either be incredibly inspired, or completely defeated.I decided to start sharing my blogging traffic and income reports while I'm still small, because I want you to see that it's possible to bring in money for your family, even when you're still small. That it's okay if you aren't making $5k month six.

Blogging Traffic and Income Report, June 2016

So many bloggers only share traffic and income reports when they're already making thousands of dollars from their blog. I decided to share these while I'm still small so that you can see the growth and that even small blogs can bring in some money! This is my blog traffic and income report from June 2016 for This Outnumbered Mama!

Blogging Traffic

Blog Traffic

  • Pageviews: 21,654
  • Users: 14,698

My Most Popular Posts

My Top Referrers

  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Direct

What Worked and What I'm Changing

I had a post get a few big shares in June, and that really helped my traffic. Without that share, I likely would have stayed at about 15k pageviews, and I'm comfortable with that being my base level for now. Of course, I was thrilled to be over 20k!Another thing that I changed in June was getting MeetEdgar. I got it all set up, and my Facebook page is now completely automated! It has seriously taken so much pressure off of me to be constantly online, and I'm enjoying Facebook again!I fully expect a dip in traffic for July. People are enjoying summer with their families, so they aren't online as much. Because of this, I'm going to spend more time on creating tons of content than I am chasing pageviews. This means less time doing chore threads and promotion.So many bloggers only share traffic and income reports when they're already making thousands of dollars from their blog. I decided to share these while I'm still small so that you can see the growth and that even small blogs can bring in some money! This is my blog traffic and income report from June 2016 for This Outnumbered Mama!

Blogging Income $484.80

Income Sources

  • MediaVine Ads: $131.22
  • Amazon Affiliates: $3.48
  • Other Affiliates: $9
  • Sponsored Posts (Linqia and BlogHer): $274.60
  • Products (sales from my shop): $66.50

What Worked and What I'm Changing

I am still thrilled with MediaVine ads, and I ended up getting a few sponsored posts during June, which helped keep my income steady. I also finally got my Scripture for Special Needs Moms devotional up for sale, so I was really excited to see some sales from that. I also sold some Fundanoodle products through my blog shop.For July I'm expecting my income to drop a bit. It's the first month in the quarter, so we've already been warned that ad budgets will be lower. Plus I'm expecting a dip in traffic. I also only have one sponsored post lined up for July so far. I'm working on a few guests posts that will feature my Scripture for Special Needs Moms devotional, which will hopefully add a few new sales. And I'm working on getting my next eBook done, but I don't think it will be ready until August.Oh, and I recently found out about Easy Product Displays. It allows you to include a table of affiliate products to each post easily (like the one just below this text!), and I am hoping that it will help increase my affiliate income. In case you didn't notice, my Amazon affiliates are pretty pathetic!

 How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul EPIC BLOG: One-Year Editorial Planner Launch: An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And Live The Life Of Your Dreams How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day Job With My Blog


Goals for July

My main goal for July is to focus on content. I'm doing a ten day series on back to homeschool prep in mid-July, and I'm trying to post at least 5 days a week. Specifically I'm trying to increase my content about homeschooling and back-to school, as well as the holidays. See, the holidays are coming fast, and they should be a great time for traffic. I want to make sure I have plenty of awesome content to bring in the traffic, the sponsored posts, and the ad revenue!I'll also be working on my next eBook in July, I'm hoping to launch it in August. I didn't really "launch" my Scripture for Special Needs Moms devotional. I just put it in the shop and sent two emails to my list. With my next ebook (which will be based on my Autism A-Z series) I want to do a real launch. I have been reading through this book, and I think it will be a game changer!So that's my traffic and income report for June of 2016. My end of year goal for monthly income was $500, and I'm getting really close! I don't think I'll make it in July, but maybe in August or September! If you'd like to see all of my traffic and income reports, you can check them out here.If you loved this post, you might also enjoy..Figuring out how to start a blog can be really intimidating, but I'm holding your hand step-by-step. You can learn how to start a blog in one afternoon!The Blog by Number eBook walks you step by step through starting and growing a profitable blog. Jam packed with actionable content and no fluff, it's perfect for busy moms!


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