Balancing Life with a New Baby with Family Audiobooks
(Inside: Check out these Christian family audiobooks, Adventures in Odyssey! They're a huge help in balancing a busy life with a new baby!)Sweet C is nearly two months old, and life. is. crazy.I mean, why didn't anyone warn me that five kids is a lot of kids!? Especially when the oldest is only seven, and you homeschool.Point is, life around here is busy busy busy!With our busy life, it can sometimes be difficult to read aloud as often as I'd like to.I mean, I'm always nursing the baby or refilling Miss S's sippy cup. And the times I'm not doing that I'm trying to fit a snack in before I have to nurse again!Thankfully I learned this tip for balancing life with a new baby with family audiobooks! It's made it so much easier to get reading time into our homeschool during these crazy weeks.*This post is sponsored by Focus on the Family. I was given a copy of Adventures in Odyssey: Up in the Air to review, and I was compensated for my time. I was not required to give a positive review, and all thoughts and opinions are my own. Please see my full disclosure for details.
Balancing Life with a New Baby with Family Audiobooks
We started school in August this year so that I could take time off when Sweet C was born without getting too behind, but we have been trying to get back into our homeschool groove.We're also trying to embrace simple in our homeschool this year since it's our first year schooling all three boys, and we're doing it with a toddler and newborn.We got to try out the Adventures in Odyssey family audiobooks, and it's made transitioning back into homeschooling so much easier!
Listening to Family Audiobooks in the Car
A-Man spent the spring and summer on the waitlist for his autism therapies, and immediately after we had Sweet C he got into two different therapies a week.As a one-car family, that means we spend a lot of time in the car.Like, a lot of time.So after listening to the Moana soundtrack for the two hundred and forty-seventh time, I decided to pop in Adventures in Odyssey to hopefully keep the kiddos occupied.They. Absolutely. Loved. It.I don't think my car has ever been so quiet. Ever.The talking gave us enough white noise to keep Sweet C asleep while the storyline was interesting enough to keep Mr. C, Cap'n M, and even Miss S's attention!When A-Man was done at therapy the kids had so much fun telling him all about the story they'd been listening to!
Listening to Family Audiobooks When Mom's Busy
"Can we keep listening when we get home, mom?"Isn't that just what every mom wants to hear? Heck yeah we can!Which leads me to the other way that family audiobooks help in balancing life with a new baby.My kids can listen when I'm busy.Because after we get home from therapy, Sweet C is exhausted and usually takes her longest naps. That's when I get my work time in. (As a work at home mom, naps are solid gold!)I hate just letting the kids watch tv while I'm working, but sometimes I've got a deadline and I need them occupied.With a family audiobook, I can set it up to play and they can listen to their heart's content. They'll listen while playing legos or with play-doh, and boom, screen-free, guilt-free work time!
Using Family Audiobooks in our Homeschool
This is maybe the best part.See, Mr. C hates writing. It's his least favorite subject and getting him to complete writing projects can be a struggle.But he loves listening to Adventures in Odyssey.I had him start writing about the stories he was listening to, and instantly we had fewer arguments.He still doesn't love writing, but when he's writing about something he enjoys it becomes so much easier!
How to get Adventures in Odyssey Family Audiobooks
You can get Adventures in Odyssey family audiobooks here! They've helped me so much in balancing life with a newborn, and I highly recommend them for any homeschool mom!