Ridiculously Simple DIY Halloween Frankenstein Lantern Craft
(Inside: Check out this ridiculously simple DIY Halloween Frankenstein Lantern Craft! It's the perfect Halloween craft for non-crafty moms like me!)My sister is a crafty queen. She had the best scrapbook pages (in the early 2000s when that was a big deal) and she even had a cupcake business for a while. We stopped by the other day and she was refinishing her kitchen cabinets. It's rare that she doesn't have some project going on.Then there's me. I got irritated when my teachers wanted us to color... Couldn't I just write an essay?! Arts and crafts have never been my thing, and it's been a real struggle to enjoy doing them since they never turn out "right".Then I had kids that love doing crafts and activities. Of course.Do I want them to stop doing what they love because it's not "right"? Absolutely not. So I've had to suck it up and let them see me enjoy the process of crafts and activities, even if it doesn't always end up the way I planned.Now, I'm still not going all out Martha Stewart, but I am making more of an effort to make super simple DIYs that I can have fun doing, and some turn out pretty cute like this ridiculously simple DIY Halloween Frankenstein lantern craft!
Ridiculously Simple DIY Halloween Frankenstein Lantern Craft
So, you might be laughing at me by now. Is that even a real craft? It's so simple.Should she even blog that? Who doesn't know they can make a Frankenstein out of a Mason jar?Well, I'll tell you. I didn't know. I'm the girl who asked for a "recipe" for ham and eggs.Even the simplest of crafts, I feel like I'm totally ruining it and I want a step-by-step. So this post is for moms like me that are terrified of starting to step into the world of crafting!(Related: Make this adorable Frankenstein Paper Plate Craft with your kiddos!)
What You Need to Make This DIY Halloween Frankenstein Lantern
- Mason Jar
- Green Paint
- Black Paint
- Paint Brush
- Tea Candle (I like these battery ones... Five kids, fire's a nay-nay here!)
- That's it. Seriously.
How to Make This Ridiculously Simple DIY Halloween Frankenstein Lantern
First you're going to paint your mason jar green.Don't freak out about making it perfect, this is a lantern so you'll want to see some of the flame through the paint!Let that dry and go do something fun. Paint your nails, binge watch some Netflix, whatever tickles your fancy.Once the green paint is COMPLETELY dry - not like, "only a little wet" but like, you could rub this bad boy on some white sheets and it would still be totally fine level dry - you paint on a Frankenstein face.I covered the top of mine to make some Frankenstein hair, added some eyes and a mouth.Then I added some random stitches, because what's the fun of a Frankenstein without a bunch of stitches?I want to emphasize here, the point of this is NOT perfection. I'm not that Pinterest-perfect mom that makes beautiful magazine-ready decorations for every holiday.I'm more that mom who prints cute Halloween wall art and hangs it up and feels super proud about it.Once your Frankenstein Lantern is completely dry and ready, throw a tea light in there and place it somewhere everyone can see! If you're anything like me, you rarely do these crafts, so when you do you need to show 'em off girl!If you loved this post, you might also enjoy...