What a crazy year it's been, friends! I took this blog onto self-hosted wordpress and started taking it more seriously and growing my blog traffic. I launched and started building my freelance writing business. I bought my Premium Starter Kit and started using Essential Oils. I wrote a lot. I got married and had a new baby. I was in and out of the hospital. We started second grade with Mr. C. We started light preschool for A-Man. We started taking steps towards getting genetic testing for Baby M. I was on modified bed rest for months. We survived the holidays. And now, 2015 is coming to an end, so it's time to make some goals for 2016!I'm a fairly goal oriented person. I like solid numbers. I like knowing exactly what I'm working towards. So naturally, today is one of my favorite days of the year. Tomorrow means a fresh start. Tomorrow means that we can work towards new goals and achieve things we'd only dreamed of. Tomorrow means a fresh calendar, and really, doesn't everyone get excited filling in a brand new planner? So I thought I would take some time today to share with you, my lovely readers, some of the goals for 2016 that I have for my business(es), my blog, and my personal life this year! You are totally welcome to keep me accountable, I'll need it!

2016 Goals for 2016

New Year, New You, right? I'm sharing my personal, business, and blogging goals for 2016 with you all! Keep me accountable!

Personal Goals for 2016

Finish my degree and walk at graduation

I have three classes left to finish in order to graduate, and I have to do them by March. Two accounting classes and my capstone are all that's left between me and walking across that stage! This is a big one because I never walked at my own high school graduation. I went to an online high school, and I had a baby two months before graduation so I didn't walk, and I've always regretted that. I worked hard for this degree (seriously, who thought it was a good idea to complete a BS in Marketing Management with FOUR kids?) and I am excited to celebrate the accomplishment! This is one of my favorite goals for 2016.

Take Charge of My Health and Wellness

I've been using essential oils this year, and they've already changed my life, but I recently started learning so much more about what they can do. I've barely been breaking the surface! I'm going to be trying out tons of new oils and products this year to help improve my health and wellness. I don't have a target weight in mind or anything like that, I really just want to be healthy and feel great. I know that really using the oils, some basic fitness, and eating a few less chocolates will do wonders for my body! (Quick side note! If this is also one of your goals, you will NOT want to miss my webinar on exactly how I'm doing this! You can sign up here.)

Read 12 Books

Recently I was chatting with a friend and she asked if I had read a certain book. My response was, "Oh not yet. I don't have much time to read lately". To which she came back at me (rightfully so) "Kaylene, you read 100-150 blog posts a week. You have plenty of time to read". Ouch. She's totally right. While I love reading blogs, I think being able to quickly skim through a post as replaced actually sitting down with a nice hot cup of coffee and digging into a good book. So one of my goals for 2016 is 12 books. They can be business books, they can be novels, they can be parenting books, I really don't care. Also, I didn't make it one book a month because some months are much busier than others! I want these goals realistic so that I keep them!

Freelancing Goals for 2016

Nail Down My Services

I have several services available on my freelancing site wrapped up into nice bundles, but I am constantly changing them. Maybe someone wants an extra page? Maybe someone wants their newsletter written? It's obnoxious really. I want to come up with two or three solid packages that I offer (both for copywriting and marketing) and stick with them. While doing this I'm really going to focus on what I like doing, and make sure that's what I'm doing most. Along with nailing down the services I offer, I'm also working on nailing down solid pricing. I'm terrible at pricing, so that's a never-ending battle!

Two Clients Per Month (Sort Of)

I hesitated putting this one in here, because it kind of depends. Ideally I would have two copywriting clients and two marketing clients every month. That would make me a full-time (for me) income, and that's the maximum load that I can handle at one time right now. Two clients a month would give me some income to invest back into business stuff and keep myself busy. The reason that I said it depends, is that if I have a month that's particularly crazy with the oils or the blog, I'm totally fine with cutting back on freelance clients to make up for it. So, two clients a month but it's negotiable.

Do More Marketing for Myself

I spent plenty of time in 2015 showing my clients exactly how to best market their business, but I spent very little time doing my own marketing. I partnered with an established designer who was consistently sending me clients (her own clients) for either writing or marketing, so I didn't really do anything else. I want that to change in 2016. I want to find more clients on their own, or more accurately: help clients find me, so that I'm not completely dependent on others for my income.New Year, New You, right? I'm sharing my personal, business, and blogging goals for 2016 with you all! Keep me accountable!

Young Living Essential Oils Goals for 2016

15 Classes in 90 Days

Yes, that's absolutely as crazy as it sounds, especially when you consider that I had a baby four weeks ago, I homeschool, I have four kids, and this is only one of my three businesses. But, I'm a girl who loves a challenge, and my up-line has made this our challenge! Between January 1st and April 1st I will be hosting 15 Young Living classes or parties, both virtually and in person. The first is my healthy weight management webinar that's happening this Sunday! I'll also be holding webinars (live online classes) in the coming months about Working at Home with Young Living, Essential Oils 101, Sensory Support with Young Living, Chemical Free Living, and more! If you're interested in attending make sure you sign up for updates, and if you have an idea for a webinar you'd like to see shoot me an email at thisoutnumberedmama (@) gmail (dot) com! (Sorry for the weird email, I hate getting weirdo spam!) Oh, and after my crazy 15 classes in 90 days challenge, I'm hoping to still host 2 classes or parties a month for the rest of the year to keep up some momentum.

Executive By December

Executive is a rank in Young Living, and it seems WAY out of reach for me. To reach Executive, I need my organization (so me and everyone that I've signed up + their sign ups, etc) to have a sales volume of $4,000 combined. But also, I need two people directly under me who's volume is each $1,000 (so them + their sign ups, plus anyone below them) combined. It's kind of complicated unless you're in Young Living and understand the compensation plan, but just trust me when I say it's a huge goal, but if I work hard I hope I'll get there! If I do, I'll be making a decent part time income from oils alone on top of getting my oils paid for, so it's a win for me!

Find Two Business Builders

That's it. Most direct marketing experts will tell you to find two business builders per month, but I think that's crazy. I don't want to get a huge team of people just to be numbers on a board. I'm looking for two people in particular that are really passionate about oils and want to build the business to provide an income for their family while working at home. I'm the type of person who gets even more fired up by firing up other people, so I need a few people who want to get inspired and make big things happen. (Is that you? Shoot me an email at thisoutnumberedmama (@) gmail (dot) com, I'd love to chat!)

This Outnumbered Mama Goals for 2016


I'm putting these all in one because there's a ton of stats that bloggers track, and it would take me a hundred years to make them their own categories. (all of these numbers are what I want to achieve by December 2016) First, the holy grail of blogging, page views. I want to be getting 10,000 monthly page views. There are certain ad networks and groups that open up once you're hitting 10,000, and it seems big but do-able to me since last month I hit over 3,000. I want to improve the stats on all of my social media, but particularly I want to hit 2,500 followers on twitter, 5,000 followers on Pinterest, and 600 followers on Facebook.


This is what I think I'm most excited about! I have mentioned before that I'm working on an eBook for work at home moms, and I will be launching it in 2016! I am so excited to be able to share what I've learned about not only surviving, but thriving as a busy work at home mama with all of you. I will also be expanding on my post about Bible Verses for Special Needs Moms and creating a devotional! It'll be packed with more verses and diving deeper into being a special needs mom and leaning on God for encouragement. Both of those eBooks will be available through the shop that will be launching right here on the site, which will host any eBooks and printables that I create as well as some physical products! So far I'm getting some bath salts, sleepy time spray, and sensory rice ready. Is there anything else you'd like to see? Make sure that you sign up for updates to be notified when the shop goes live!


I've been making money from my blog for a while now, but I want to start taking it more seriously and building it up into a true income in 2016. As my traffic gets higher, that gets easier of course, so this is highly tied to the stats I listed above. Between the shop launching, advertisements, and sponsored posts, I would love to be making $500 monthly from the blog alone by the end of 2016. Keep in mind, this is only one of my work at home baskets, so I don't expect it to make a full time income any time soon. Blogging isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, so for my second full year blogging I think $500 is a doable but exciting income goal!So that's all for my goals for 2016. There's a lot of work to be done, but I'm looking forward to seeing what the New Year brings! Do you have any goals for 2016 that you're working on?If you loved this post, you might also like..Being a work at home mom is hard, and many of the benefits are the biggest challenges. How do we stay productive while working from home?As a work at home mom there's a lot fighting for your attention, and staying motivated can be difficult. I'm sharing my top tips to stay fired up!


My Top Ten Posts From 2015


Why I Write