My Top Ten Posts From 2015
It's a New Year which means that it's time to reflect on last year to see what worked, what didn't, and what we want to achieve in the coming year! You may have seen my post about my goals for 2016 where I outlined specific goals that I want to achieve personally, and with freelancing, essential oils, and with the blog.Today I figured I'd make a fun post looking back over my analytics for 2015 to see what you enjoyed seeing on the blog! I figured I would share with you the top ten posts from 2015! I love looking at lists like these because it tells me what you like to read and what you'd like to read more of. Did your favorite post make the list?
Top Ten Posts From 2015
Bible Verses for Special Needs Moms
This was one of my very favorite posts to write, and it consistently gets a lot of traffic each month. It always warms my heart when I look at my analytics late at night and see that someone found this post from google. I always stop and take a second to pray that the sweet mama up late googling found the encouragement that she needed. This post has been so popular, in fact, that I'll be expanding on it and creating a devotional for special needs moms that will hopefully come out in the Spring!
55 Thoughts Moms Have While Breastfeeding
This post makes me laugh every time that I look at it. It was never supposed to be popular! I literally wrote most of it from my phone while I was trapped in my rocking chair nursing Baby M. I figured that a few people might read it, and mamas that have nursed before would find it funny. That's it. Apparently a large breastfeeding advocacy Facebook page found it and shared it which just made the popularity soar!
Why I Do Not Support Autism Speaks
This is a post that I was nervous to publish, but I felt it needed to be said. I'm thrilled that it's reached so many readers, and I've gotten some of the sweetest comments from people who truly had no idea what Autism Speaks was really doing with all of the charity they've received. If you only read one post in this whole list, let it be this one, and please help to get the word out!
When I Realized I'm Not That Homeschooling Mom
This one was so fun to write for all of my fellow homeschooling mamas! We all know "that mom". The one who has everything together and looks fabulous and has kids that don't know what McDonalds is. That is not me at all!
Yes, I Say That He's Autistic
This one surprised me because it's such a new post, but it's already been really popular! I hesitated posting this one big time. (Like, on the phone with my best friend/bloggy cheerleader for an hour debating it) There are some pretty controversial opinions in the post, but it's started a lot of really great conversations. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, and it's even one of the posts I've had picked up by The Mighty.
What Not to Say to an Autism Mama
When we got A-Man's autism diagnosis, I feel like a lot of our friends and family didn't know what to say or not say, so they said nothing at all. I wrote this post to help friends and family know some things that they have been saying that may be offensive to an autism mama. There's also a response that I wrote which includes a list of helpful things to say to an autism mama you can check out here.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling The Early Years
I feel like this post got so popular 100% due to Pinterest! I mean, isn't that where homeschooling mamas spend all their time? I loved linking up to some of my favorite bloggers and sharing such a fun resource for moms with littles who are a bit overwhelmed by homeschooling.
5 Fun Ways to Answer Annoying Breastfeeding Questions
This is another post that took off when I didn't expect it to. As a breastfeeding mom, I get asked questions all the time that get really annoying really fast. I will admit, I don't actually use any of these answers (though I've been very tempted to!) but they're fun to say in my head when I'm asked AGAIN if I'd be more comfortable in the bathroom.
Holiday Help for Kids With Sensory Processing Disorder
I was really interested to see that a lot of my special needs holiday posts did really well this year! I know that the holidays can be difficult and overwhelming for some kids with sensory processing disorder or other special needs, and as moms we just want to help! I wrote this post as a guide for mama's on how to best help kids who are struggling during the holidays.
Hosting an Autism Friendly Christmas
On the flip side of the coin, sometimes family and friends who don't live with your child day to day may be completely overwhelmed and unsure of how to help you and your child enjoy the holidays. I wrote this handy guide for family and friends to host an autism friendly Christmas so that they knew just a few simple things they could do to help you and your little one feel more welcome and comfortable during the holidays.So those are my top ten posts from 2015! Which was your favorite, and what do you want to see more of?If you loved this post, you might also enjoy...